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A marketing lesson from Google

Back in the day, searching for stuff on the web was an awful experience.

Internet users were voicing all kinds of problems:

“I can’t find what I’m looking for.”   
“Search engines are too slow.”
“The results I’m getting are crap.”

Companies like Lycos, Yahoo! and MSN didn’t hear these complaints at the time.

Search was just one of the things they were throwing at the wall hoping it would stick.

But one company was listening.

And set out to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

That company was, of course, Google

Like many successful brands, the roots of its success go back to doing one thing and one thing well:

Solving problems in people’s lives.

Indeed, when Google was just a few years old it wrote a list of ten guiding principles.

Here’s what they put at the top of the list:

1️⃣ Focus on the user and all else will follow
2️⃣ It’s best to do one thing really, really well

For me, Google is one of the best examples of how a company can flourish when it focuses on serving the needs of its customers.

And something we can all learn from.

⭕ What problems are your prospects and customers dealing with right now?
⭕ How would their lives improve if those problems went away?
⭕ How does your product or service solve these problems?

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