Like lots of things in life, marketing tends to work best when kept simple.
But, like lots of things in life, people tend to complicate the shit out it.
Take these buzzwords:
❗ Brand Essence
❗ Brand Purpose
❗ Brand Values
❗ Brand Personality
❗ Brand Promise
You’ll often find them bundled together, usually in a circle or pyramid, somewhere within a 112-slide strategy deck.
Some consultants will try to sell you on the idea that these things are different – that important nuances exist between them that must be explored and distilled.
This is good for the consultant. And bad for you
It does little more than add to the complexity (and cost) of developing your marketing strategy.
The thing is these words (and more), all describe the same thing:
And if there’s one rule about positioning it’s this:
Keep it simple.
Why choose half a dozen ways to articulate positioning when one will do?